Today started very cold, with predictions of high winds. So, lacking experience in these things I ate my breakfast and was off, with four layers on top and tights over my shorts as my lobster claw gloves. Y'all must be tired of hearing this, but riding out was beautiful...and cold. We rode through Fort Davis, and a few miles out of town I glanced to my right and saw a small herd of Pronghorn antelope. There were just standing there looking at me as if they were wanting me to take a I did.
The ride had a lot of great Texas scenery and even more wind. Our sort of tail wind, became a cross wind when we turned east on Rte 90. We had a pit stop at a gas station and were talking with a state trooper. He said that he had been in El Paso and had seen us on the highway a couple of days ago. He was pretty pleased when we told him that Texas highways were the leanest thus far.
The thirty one miles into Marathon were uneventful. I learned that using a high gear and a moderate pace with a cross wind is easier than going slowly and being in a low gear. I also learned that plodding on when you are hungry does get you there faster.
When Marci and I arrived we checked in at the Gage Hotel. This hotel is worth a visit if you are anywhere nearby. My friend Penny Angelo got in from Midland shortly after we arrived, and we went to a shop next door and got burgers. All the tables were filled, so our server, suggested we sit with a little lady who was alone at a table, Julie. Julie is a regular and knows everyone there. She was more than happy to accommadate us and we had a very good burger (with Jalapeno's) and lots of iced tea.
My afternoon was relaxing, and dinner was perfect pea soup with salad and corn bread, to warm us on a cold evening. We even got to eat inside a little house...just perfect!!!!
Weiter so! Die Berichte sind sehr interessant. Hoffentlich hast Du bald wieder besseres Wetter und keinen solchen Wind mehr. Ich lese alle Deine Berichte, verstehe jedoch nicht alles!!